Beginner Golf School


Course Description:

The perfect introduction to the game

Together we will work towards building the confidence to play a round of golf, safe in the knowledge that the basic skills and understanding are in place. this course will cover the golf swing, short game, etiquette and the rules of golf. A 7 week course, 3 weeks in the school, 3 weeks at a local driving range and 1 at a golf course. Cost is €130. This will cover range balls and golf course fees (equipment supplied).

By special arrangement week 7 lesson will take place at a Golf club (to be decided) followed by light refreshments. 


Class Days & Times: Choose from one of the following classes. (Please ensure you choose the correct class when enrolling )

              Class 1: Monday Evening 6.30 – 7.30pm (24/02/25) (Please Note Class Now Fully Enrolled)

              Class 2: Monday Evening 7.40 – 8.40pm (24/02/25) (Please Note Class Now Fully Enrolled)

              Class 3: Thursday Evening 6.30 – 7.30pm (27/02/25) (Please Note Class Now Fully Enrolled)

              Class 4: Thursday Evening 7.40 – 8.40pm (27/02/25) (Please Note Class Now Fully Enrolled)

Start Date: See above

Cost: €130 (this will cover range balls and golf course fees (equipment supplied).

Course Format: With tutor (Maximum of 7 students per class)

Duration: 7 weeks

Enrolment: Enrolment will open on Monday the 9th of December at 10am. Enrol then by clicking on the  Enrol Here through Easypayments Plus button.

Tutor: David Murray USPGA Professional


























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