Lose Weight, Look Great – Live a Happier, Heathier  Life




Course Description:

Join Lynda’s Weight Loss Classes – Your Journey to a Happier Healthier You Starts Here! 

Are you ready to lose weight, feel great, and embrace a healthier you? If you are, then let Lynda  guide you on a life-changing journey to weight loss, better mental health and wellbeing, and a healthier  lifestyle that lasts a lifetime! 

Instead of just thinking about losing weight or exercising, this easy to understand Focus Programme uses the Food Pyramid to help people look at their own lifestyles and behaviours. It encourages them  to pay attention to their habits and triggers. With this knowledge, they can make small, simple changes to their lifestyle, leading to lasting weight loss and a happier, healthier life. 

What participants can look forward to during the 10-week journey;  

▪ Weekly one to one weigh-Ins, including your BMI measurements to track your progress ▪ Learn how to incorporate the Food Pyramid into your everyday eating habits ▪ A 7- day food diary with one-to-one analysis to identify your eating patterns  ▪ Discover how your metabolism works in relation to weight loss; the effects of different foods on  

the body; delicious healthy recipes that you can easily incorporate into your own diet; the  importance of normal regular exercise and the significance of maintaining proper hydration and  sleep habits 

▪ We will look at the fundamental aspects of mental wellbeing and self-care, at topics such as  mindfulness, coping strategies, positivity, self-confidence and overall mental health, giving you  the tools and support needed to make lasting and positive changes to your lifestyle 

Benefits you will experience: 

  • Learn how to fuel your body the right way by eating normal everyday foods  ⇒ Develop tailored weight loss strategies personalised by YOU
  • Recognise the underlying reasons for your eating behaviours 
  • Be introduced to strategies to manage stress and emotional eating
  • Achieve lasting weight loss — without restrictive diets!

Course Day & Time: Tuesday Evening Course 7.30 – 9.30pm

Start Date: 04/02/25 

Cost: €110

Course Format: In class with tutor

Duration: 10 weeks – Maximum of 10 students in class

Enrolment: You can enrol online through our website by clicking the Easy Payment Button. Enrolment will begin early December through our website

Tutor: Lynda Nolan Kearney

Originally trained by Weight Watchers as a Motivational Weight Loss Coach, Lynda Nolan Kearney is  a certified and accredited Executive and Personal Life Coach. She has a lifetime of experience dealing  with the challenges of weight loss and healthy living. In 2009, she developed her innovative healthy  lifestyle Focus Programme which promotes the recommendations of the Irish Heart Foundation and  the Food Pyramid. Her goal is to ensure that you feel supported on your journey to weight loss and  happiness, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. 

�� Lose Weight Safely �� Boost Your Energy �� Feel Stronger and More Confident!


Lose Weight, Look Great

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