SPANISH for Improvers / Intermediate
Course Description:
¡Hola a todos!
Este curso de español intermedio está diseñado para estudiantes que ya tienen conocimientos básicos del español y quieren mejorar su fluidez y comprensión del idioma. Durante el curso, los estudiantes desarrollarán sus habilidades en lectura, escritura, conversación y comprensión auditiva, centrándose en temas más avanzados de gramática, vocabulario y cultura. A través de actividades prácticas, ejercicios interactivos y práctica constante, los estudiantes mejorarán sus habilidades lingüísticas.
Hello everybody!
This Improvers/ Intermediate Spanish Course is designed for students who already have basic knowledge of Spanish and want to better their fluency and understanding of the language. During the course, the students will develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening, focusing on more advanced topics of grammar, vocabulary and culture. Through practice exercises, interactive exercises and constant practice the students will better their linguistic skills.
Please Note: For this course students need to have a completed the Spanish Beginner Continuation course or equivalent.
Course Day & Time: Tuesday evenings 7.30 – 9.30pm
Start Date: 04/02/25
Enrolment: Opens on Monday the 9th of December 10am through our website. You can enrol online then by clicking on the Enrol here Easy Payments Plus button.
Cost: €110
Course Format: In class with tutor. Maximum of 12 students.
Duration: 10 weeks
Tutor: Melissa Campbell